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Thomas Lewis Minichiello Jr. - Online Memorial Website

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Thomas Minichiello Jr.
Född i New Hampshire
58 years
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Mike Sunderlin Brian P. Wiggin October 20, 2018
I received ther following message on 10.08.18 from Brian P. Wiggin:

"What a wonderful tribute to one of my best buddies at UNH. He interviewed singer Kate Smith at UNH and we had a party at the beach that lasted all night long. He was attending my wedding when he received a call that his mother had died - August 9, 1975. Brian P. Wiggin"
Mike Sunderlin 1962 Winners of Eucharist Crusade May 7, 2016
This was from Sue Kinch Trempe, my uncle Tom's cousin and former classmate. She posted this picture in an alumni site, along with the following caption:

"1962 Winners of Eucharistic Crusade at Boston Gardens. Sue Kinch, Diane McKinney, Nancy Bonito, and my cousin, Tom Minnichello now deceased. I can't remember the other boy's name from Greenland. We were so proud to represent St Pat's and win the trophy! Had to memorize 500 Catechism answers and then it got to sudden death. I was up, they asked the question, my mind was blank, heard Tommy praying behind me and out came the answer!! I still to this day believe that it was Tommy's prayer that God gave me the answer!"
Donna Pantelakos Friend February 15, 2014
Great childhood memories. Spent lots of time at the Minichiello house. Lots of fun and laughter 
Jeff Park Mr. July 10, 2013
I never had Tom as a teacher in high school, I was introduced from a common freind. The First time I had met Tom, the three of us went for dinner and a movie, forgot where we ate, but we did see the movie Born on the 4th of July.

It was from then on I had met a truly wounderful person and a great mentor. He taught me a lot of the world of politcs and history.......

he is a true freind, and really missed.

Jeff Park.
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